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More than a bystander

Day 5- I have friends that I love and friends that love me.

Did you know that 57% of bullying stops when another peer intervenes (Hawkins Pepler and Craig, 2001)?

As I sit here and reflect on my childhood, I can remember that my bullies always seemed more empowered to tease and push me around when there was a crowd around to support their negative behavior. Similar to that, reports indicate that even if only one other person jumps in to defend that child being bullied and say that the behavior is wrong others will follow and there is a greater chance that the bullying incident will stop.

Teaching our children that friendships are to be valued is an important tool in helping to erase bullying. You can be more than a bystander. You can be the friend and support that the child being bullied may not have.

Today as an adult and having overcome my hurtful childhood I am HAPPY to affirm that I have FRIENDS that I love and FRIENDS that love and support me.

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