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Day 4- My feelings do MATTER and I will communicate them.

In a study conducted by Petrosina, Guckenburg, DeVie and Hanson, 2010, 64% of the children reported that they are afraid to report their bullying incidents.

Of the bullying prevention programs that I have studied children are advised to report the bullying incident to an adult. As a child that was very difficult because kids would then accuse me of being a SNITCH. How do you come to the realization as a child that your feelings do matter and that you are not being a tattle tell? As adults we must constantly reassure our children the difference between sticking up for themselves and telling on others.

It is never okay for others to use their perceived power over you to scare you into believing that by standing up for yourself and telling an adult about a bullying incident is wrong. Even as adults we must stand up for ourselves and know the difference between reporting bullying from co-workers and supervisors is not the same thing as being a whistle blower.

Today's affirmation: My feelings do MATTER and I will communicate them.

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