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Day 1- "When I look in the Mirror I LOVE what I see."

According to leaving your child small notes of positive affirmations when they are least expecting it is a GREAT way to turn their thoughts in a positive direction. I choose to write the affirmations on post it notes for me, but I write them on my son's calendar. I never thought to put it there for him until I saw that he was placing an X on each day that passed by.

Repetition brings CHANGE and no age is too young or too old to infuse and teach through daily positive thoughts. So as we feed our bodies for physical nourishment, each day we must also fill our minds for emotional stability. Communication is always key. Repeat the affirmations together and have discussions with your children on what the affirmation means to them and how they can incorporate it into their day. Be the parent that you want your child to follow. Most often even when we do not believe that they are listening to us they are ALWAYS watching our actions.

Did you know that 1 in every 4 children report being bullied during the school year. (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2015). That amounts to 22% of our nations children. When bullies are feeding our children negative thoughts they begin to internalize these beliefs and it becomes their own inner voice of self defeat. As parents and teachers we can help children learn how to fight their inner emotional battles. By doing so we can help reduce and lessen the amount of emotional scars that they will carry into adulthood.

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